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 1. Dr. Peter Jones  1. Cracking the Culture by Craking DaVinci's Code  The Church in Contemporary Culture 
 5. Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.  DaVinci Code Seminar #1  DaVinci Code Seminar #1 
 6. Dave Hensleigh  Unlocking the DaVinci Code: Part 2  Unlocking the DaVinci Code 
 7. Mark E Hayes  The DaVinci Code Sweepstakes Conspiracy  Flak Audio 
 8. Dave Hensleigh  Unlocking the DaVinci Code: Part 1  Unlocking the DaVinci Code 
 9. Mark E Hayes  The DaVinci Code Sweepstakes Conspiracy  Flak Audio 
 10. Len Horowitz  Love the Real DaVinci Code  Podcast Potpourri 
 11. Dr. Gary Habermas  DaVinci Code - Critical Response   
 12. Dr. Gary Habermas  DaVinci Code - Critical Response   
 13. Dr. Gary Habermas  DaVinci Code - Critical Response   
 14. Adam Hamilton  Seek the Truth: The DaVinci Code?  The United Methodist Church of the Resurrection 
 15. CNN  Cracking the Tax Code  CNN 
 16. Pastor Ed Regensburg Faith Community Church  Seek The Truth: Unlocking The DaVinci Code  Various Sermons 
 17. Mark Victor Hansen  Cracking the Millionaire Code   
 18. Dr Gary Habermas  Cracking The Da Vinci Code - Pt 4  4th Annual Worldview Apologetics Conference 
 19. Dr Gary Habermas  Cracking The Da Vinci Code - Pt 2  4th Annual Worldview Apologetics Conference 
 20. Dr Gary Habermas  Cracking The Da Vinci Code - Pt 2  4th Annual Worldview Apologetics Conference 
 21. Mark Victor Hansen  Cracking the Millionaire Code   
 22. Dr Gary Habermas  Cracking The Da Vinci Code - Pt 4  4th Annual Worldview Apologetics Conference 
 23. BeyeNETWORK  Cracking the Code: Capture, Analysis qand Utilization of Customer Information  Audio Article 
 24. NEALE, Jonathan  Drugs: cracking up or cracking down?  Marxism 1993 
 25. Daniel Mermet  La Gwadeloup contre la pwofitasyon (8) - Du code noir au code barre - 05 mars 09  Là-bas si j'y suis 
 26. Steven Cameron  Davinci Doll  SimplyScripts 
 27. Sam E. Horn  Confronting Our Culture When the Church is in the Culture  MACP 2008 
 28. Sam E. Horn  Confronting Our Culture When the Culture Comes to Church  MACP 2008 
 29. Hugh Duncan  DaVinci, Angels and Demons  Nuclearity 
 30. The Hands and Feet Podcast  Episode 21 - A Break from DaVinci  Episode 21 - A Break from DaVinci 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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